Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig Are Expecting Their First Child

Rachel Weisz revealed today in a New York Times interview that she is expecting her first child with Daniel Craig.

“I’ll be showing soon,” she says. “Daniel and I are so happy. We’re going to have a little human,” the actress continued. “We can’t wait to meet him or her. It’s all such a mystery.”

Weisz also shares a son, Henry, with director Darren Aronofsky and Craig has a 25-year-old daughter. The Constant Gardener and James Bond actors married in 2011.

At 48 years old, Weisz is part of a growing group of women—Tammy Duckworth among them—who are defying the outdated age limit society so often puts onto pregnancy. It’s a topic that Vogue writer Eviana Hartman discusses in her essay, “This is 40—and Pregnant.”

“Popular culture is also responsible for the ticking-time-bomb neuroses of Bridget Jones and Charlotte York—the widespread perception, in the words of Naomi Watts’s childless 40-something in the Noah Baumbach comedy While We’re Young, that ‘after 35, it’s a shit show,’”she writes. “The reality is that for a majority of women, it’s not. Many common impediments to fertility have nothing to do with a woman’s age.” Hartman would know—she, too, was recently pregnant at 40.

Currently, Weisz is promoting her new film, Disobedience.