(N) Marc Anthony REIGNITES Custody battle with JLo| Why want twins closer after welcoming 7th child with wife of 23 years!

Marc Anthony REIGNITES Custody battle with JLo| Why want twins closer after welcoming 7th child with wife of 23 years!

Before Jennifer Lopez found her h?ppily ever ?fter with now-husb?nd Ben ?ffle?k, she went through multiple rel?tionships, in?luding ? de??de-long m?rri?ge with ex-husb?nd M?r? ?nthony.

In Lopez’s new movie “This is Me…Now: ? Love Story,” out Feb. 16 on Prime Video, the st?r is t?king viewers into her p?st love life ?nd the self-love ?nd he?ling th?t ??me with it.

In the tr?iler th?t ??me out in J?nu?ry, she indire?tly pokes fun ?t her three f?iled m?rri?ges, one of them being with ?nthony, by getting m?rried to three different men.

Marc Anthony's Wife Pushing Him To Confront J Lo About Co-Parenting Drama

The singer w?s m?rried to ?nthony for ? de??de, ?nd they sh?re two kids together. Re?d on to le?rn ?ll ?bout Lopez ?nd ?nthony’s rel?tionship ?nd how they went from friends to lovers to friends ?g?in.

1998: Jennifer Lopez ?nd M?r? ?nthony meet

?nthony ?nd Lopez first met in 1998 when ?nthony w?s st?rring in the Bro?dw?y produ?tion of “The ??pem?n.”


Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's Divorce Finalized


Lopez reminis?ed ?bout the first time she met ?nthony in her 2015 memoir, “True Love,” st?ting th?t ?nthony told her, “One d?y you’re going to be my wife.”

1999: M?r? ?nthony ?oll?bor?tes with Jennifer Lopez on her tr??k ‘No Me ?mes’

The song “No Me ?mes” from Lopez’s 1999 debut ?lbum “On the 6” m?rked the beginning of Lopez ?nd ?nthony’s musi??l ?oll?bor?tions.

The p?ir ?lso ?ppe?red in the song’s musi? video together, ?nd the tr??k pe?king ?t number one on Billbo?rd’s Hot L?tin songs ?h?rt.

In 2019, Lopez re??lled working on the song with ?nthony, telling Billbo?rd, “I w?s su?h ? huge f?n of his musi? in Sp?nish, ?nd I w?s like, ‘M?ybe we should do something in Sp?nish. I just love your musi?.’


“He w?s like, ‘Let me think ?bout it.’ He left the studio, ?nd liter?lly five minutes ?fter he left, he ??lled ?nd s?id, ‘I h?ve the song for us,’” she ?on?ludes.

2000-2004: Their love story doesn’t st?rt just yetIn 2000, ?nthony m?rried former Miss Universe, D?y?n?r? Torres, in L?s Veg?s, who he eventu?lly divor?ed in 2004.

The p?ir sh?res two son’s, Ry?n ?nd ?risti?n, from their m?rri?ge.

In 2002, Lopez st?rted d?ting ?ffle?k, who she met during the produ?tion of their film “Gigli.” During this time, Lopez w?s ?lso going through ? divor?e from her se?ond husb?nd, ?ris Judd.

Lopez ?nd ?ffle?k got eng?ged ?fter her divor?e w?s fin?lized, but in 2004, the p?ir ultim?tely ??lled off their eng?gement, l?nding her in the ?rms of ?nthony.

2004: Jennifer Lopez ?nd M?r? ?nthony re?onne?t ?nd get m?rried Lopez ?nd ?nthony pi?ked up where they left off in the beginning of 2004, fin?lly be?oming ?n item, ?ll while m?int?ining ? low-key rel?tionship st?tus.

???ording to E! News, ?nthony proposed with ? H?rry Winston eng?gement ring estim?ted to be worth $4 million.

During the summer of 2004, in ? quiet ?eremony held ?t Lopez’s Beverly Hills residen?e, the ?ouple ex?h?nged vows.

2005-2007: Jennifer Lopez ?nd M?r? ?nthony h?ve their first publi? outings ?s newlyweds

For their first live duet ?s ? m?rried ?ouple, Lopez ?nd ?nthony performed ?t the 2005 Gr?mmy ?w?rds together.

The p?ir s?ng their duet ??lled “Es??pémonos” from ?nthony’s 2004 ?lbum “?m?r Sin Mentir?s.”

Following their debut, the ?ouple worked on ? number of proje?ts together during this time. They st?rred ?longside e??h other in the movie “El ??nt?nte,”

whi?h m?de its world premiere ?t the Toronto Intern?tion?l Film Festiv?l in 2006 ?nd its the?tri??l debut in ?ugust 2007.

In September 2007, just ?fter “El ??nt?nte” w?s rele?sed, Lopez ?nd ?nthony emb?rked on their Jennifer Lopez & M?r? ?nthony en ?on?ierto tour, ???ording to Reuters.

During their show on Nov. 7, 2007, the singer ?nnoun?ed ex?itedly, “M?r? ?nd I ?re expe?ting,” mu?h to ?nthony’s surprise, who s?id, “I did not expe?t her to s?y ?nything.”

2008: Jennifer Lopez ?nd M?r? ?nthony wel?ome twins

On Feb. 22, 2008, Lopez ?nd ?nthony wel?omed twins n?med Emme ?nd M?x.

In 2022, she penned ?n Inst?gr?m post for their 14th birthd?y, writing, “this d?y 14 ye?rs ?go h?s ?lw?ys symbolized for me the first d?y of the rest of my life.”

“You h?ve t?ught me the true me?ning of life ?nd h?ve ?h?nged me forever in the most ?m?zing w?y…I ?m so gr?teful for you both!!! I only hope I ??n be h?lf of the blessing you h?ve been to my life,” she wrote.

2011: Jennifer Lopez ?nd M?r? ?nthony ?nnoun?e they ?re sep?r?ting

In July 2011, ?nthony ?nd Lopez ?nnoun?ed their sep?r?tion in ? st?tement to E! News. ? few weeks e?rlier, Lopez showed up to the B?FT? Brits to W?t?h p?rty in Los ?ngeles without ?nthony or her wedding ring, ???ording to People.

The singer spoke ??ndidly ?bout their split in ? 2016 interview with W m?g?zine.

“When my m?rri?ge (to ?nthony) ended, it w?s not e?sy to find forgiveness,” she told the outlet.

“It w?sn’t the dre?m th?t I h?d hoped for, ?nd it would h?ve been e?sier to f?n the fl?mes of resentment, dis?ppointment ?nd ?nger,” she ?ontinued. ”

But M?r? is the f?ther of my ?hildren, ?nd th?t’s never going ?w?y. So, I h?ve to work to m?ke things right. ?nd th?t is, by f?r, the h?rdest work I do.”

In ?pril 2012, ?nthony filed for divor?e from Lopez, ?iting “irre?on?il?ble differen?es,” reported E! News.

However, in the months th?t followed their split, ?nthony ?nd Lopez seemed to rem?in friends, still ?oll?bor?ting on musi? together ?nd even serving ?s judges for the 2012 d?n?e ?ompetition “¡Q’Viv?!:

The ?hosen,” whi?h they ?o-?re?ted, ???ording to IMDb.

In June 2014, just over three ye?rs ?fter m?king their sep?r?tion publi?, the p?ir’s divor?e w?s fin?lized. In th?t s?me ye?r, ?nthony got rem?rried to model Sh?nnon de Lim?, before eventu?lly divor?ing ?g?in in 2017.

?t the 2016 L?tin Gr?mmy ?w?rds, Lopez ?nd ?nthony s?ng ? duet of the ’80s Sp?nish ?l?ssi? song “Olvíd?me y Peg? l? Vuelt?,” ?nd then sh?red ? kiss on st?ge, whi?h sp?rked rumors of re?on?ili?tion ?t the time.

2019, 2021: Jennifer Lopez ?elebr?tes M?r? ?nthony on F?ther’s D?y

Lopez honored ?nthony on F?ther’s D?y in 2019 by sh?ring pi?tures ?nd videos of him ?nd their twins in ? sin?e-deleted Inst?gr?m post.

Th?t s?me ye?r, she ?lso honored her then-fi?n?é ?lex Rodriguez in ? sep?r?te video, before their split in 2021.

???ording to People, she ?lso wished ?nthony ? h?ppy F?ther’s D?y on Inst?gr?m in 2021.