Can the MCU’s Newest Powerhouse, Sentry, Outmatch the Original Avengers?

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The release of Thunderbolts will signify several major milestones for the MCU. First, it will introduce the Thunderbolts, a new team comparable to DC’s Suicide Squad.

Secondly, and perhaps most notably, it will debut the MCU’s most powerful superhero yet—Sentry—adding to the already formidable roster of characters.

In the comics, Sentry is undeniably overpowered, with his abilities far from reaching their peak. His mind-bending powers include molecular, energy, and reality manipulation, and his physical strength, speed, and durability surpass even the mightiest villains and superheroes in the Marvel universe. And that’s without factoring in his devastating Void form.

It’s highly unlikely that the MCU will adapt all of Sentry’s powers, and for good reason. Soon, you’ll see why the character will need significant nerfing for his on-screen portrayal.

We’ve compared Sentry to the original Avengers lineup (plus Scarlet Witch and Thanos, due to popular demand) to illustrate why a comic-accurate version of Sentry would be too overwhelming for the MCU.

1. Sentry easily overpowers Iron Man in no time

Tony Stark may not have had superpowers, but his advanced tech and indomitable will allowed him to face some of the universe’s biggest threats. Unfortunately, those assets wouldn’t be enough against Sentry.

Sentry’s molecular manipulation means he could disassemble Iron Man’s suit—and Tony himself—into anything imaginable, from an ant to a sheet of paper. He can also create constructs with his mind, even sentient beings, and possesses biokinesis.

While the full extent of Sentry’s molecular control is unknown, the silver lining is that he struggles to manage these abilities. This lack of control could be exploited by the Avengers, though it also means Sentry has the potential to destroy planets with a mere flick of his wrist.

In any case, Iron Man simply wouldn’t have a defense against that kind of power.

2. Captain America wouldn’t stand a chance

Sentry, like Steve Rogers, is the product of a super-soldier serum—only Sentry’s serum is amplified a hundred thousand times, granting him the power of a million exploding suns.

While Rogers is an enhanced human with physical abilities slightly beyond peak human performance, Sentry possesses strength exceeding 100 tons, speeds far beyond light, and near-invulnerability.

In this matchup, Sentry wouldn’t even need to tap into his more extraordinary abilities—his sheer physical power alone would be more than enough to overwhelm Captain America.

3. Thor would be a formidable challenge

Thor is undoubtedly the most powerful of the original Avengers, possessing significantly enhanced physical abilities and a wide array of magical powers. While he would pose a serious challenge to Sentry, the latter would ultimately emerge victorious.

In addition to molecular manipulation, Sentry wields extensive energy manipulation abilities, allowing him to control both darkness and light, as well as unleash powerful energy blasts and psionic attacks. Although it may take a bit longer, Sentry would ultimately overcome the God of Thunder.

4. The Hulk isn’t as big of a threat as you might think

While the Hulk is often considered the physically strongest Avenger, the current iteration of Professor Hulk in the MCU doesn’t showcase the same level of raw power. In fact, Sentry’s strength easily matches that of the Hulk.

In the comics, Sentry has demonstrated the ability to tear apart powerful foes like Carnage and Ares. Additionally, in his Void form, he was strong enough to break the Hulk’s limbs.

In the MCU, it’s not really a question of who would win; it’s more about how long it would take Sentry to completely overpower Professor Hulk.

5. Black Widow gets destroyed

Similar to Steve Rogers, Black Widow has little to offer beyond plot armor. There’s not much to say here—Sentry easily overpowers Black Widow in virtually every conceivable way.

6. Hawkeye gets destroyed

Similar to Captain America and Black Widow, Hawkeye has virtually no chance of facing Sentry and surviving the encounter.

While he might have a slight edge since he can engage from a distance, potentially using anti-matter arrows to slow Sentry down, this advantage is minimal. Once Sentry gets closer or even becomes aware of Hawkeye’s presence, it’s essentially game over for him.

7. Scarlet Witch, as a glass cannon, stands little chance

Yes, we’re all familiar with the House of M storyline. However, this is MCU Wanda, and unfortunately, no amount of reality-bending can protect her from Sentry. His powers are believed to create a phase-shift in his molecules, causing him to be partially out of sync with normal reality. The serum he was given triggers a photosynthetic reaction that enhances his state of consciousness, giving him reality-warping abilities.

In addition to vastly overpowering Wanda physically, Sentry would likely be able to counter her reality manipulation, if her powers even affected him at all. In this matchup, Sentry comes out on top.

8. Thanos only has a chance with the Infinity Gauntlet

Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos is at a significant disadvantage, especially since the MCU version of the character is notably weaker than his comic book counterpart. He lacks the means to counter Sentry’s incredible abilities. However, the Infinity Stones could level the playing field. Given that the Infinity Stones are more powerful than reality itself, it’s questionable whether Sentry could withstand their effects.

What prompted the MCU to introduce Sentry at this time?

This introduction likely stems from Sentry’s character being extremely overpowered. If Sentry had been in the MCU during ‘Infinity War,’ it’s hard to envision any significant conflict, especially considering that Thanos, without the complete Infinity Gauntlet, is relatively weak.

By introducing Sentry now, the MCU seems to be setting up a new threat that surpasses even Thanos and the Infinity Stones, although it’s probable that his powers will be toned down for narrative purposes. Realistically, only cosmic-level villains like Galactus would pose a true challenge to him.

With Galactus, Doctor Doom, and potentially Knull on the horizon, it makes sense that Sentry wasn’t introduced in earlier sagas, as his power level would overshadow smaller or street-level villains.

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