It is a well-known fact that the Internet doesn’t like Brie Larson in her role as Captain Marvel. In fact, there was even an online petition to get her removed from the role, which has acquired a substantial amount of support.
While we do not understand the backlash against Brie Larson, we can understand that there are always those who will look for alternatives there.
Still, Brie Larson has cemented her role in the franchise, and despite all the backlash, she is one of the MCU’s most powerful and most important characters. Still, after the failure of The Marvels, the fans are wondering about a very important thing.
Namely, with the franchise moving forward and Captain Marvel not having any immediate plans, the fans are wondering – what is the fate of Captain Marvel in the MCU? We’re not the only ones asking that question, so keep reading our report to find out more.
It is a big question: what is going to happen to Captain Marvel in the MCU? She is obviously still there, but The Marvels was a failure, both critically and commercially, and since then, no one from Marvel has mentioned the character as an important player for the upcoming Avengers movies, which is strange, considering how powerful and useful Brie Larson’s character is. In light of that, a Reddit user (2muchedu), opened the following discussion:
In an interconnected universe like the MCU, so far deep into the timeline, the fact that the Marvels has failed so spectacularly must present a problem. How does one address it? I see a few options, but I am curious what you guys think:
- Do you pretend that Captain Marvel never existed?
- Have her show up in more limited roles?
- Try to get the ship back in order and do what Disney was planning anyways?
- Multiverse and we will now deal with another universe.
- Something else.
If we had to pick, option three seems to be the best one, as Captain Marvel is a truly important character, but if Marvel is planning on moving forward, Captain Marvel, as an “old” character, might not have a lot of space among the new superheroes, so option four also seems like a good one.
Option one makes no sense, while option two is practical, but useless long term. But, never mind us, what are the fans saying? Here are some of the most intriguing answers:
The MCU is probably heading towards a reboot of some sorts. The whole multiverse interconnection lends to a nice way to tie that up. Marvel probably wants to also introduce some of its properties that it did not have the movie rights to earlier. Captain Marvel probably is best off ending up like the Hulk as a C-lister hero who is more of a supporting member.
Make a third movie and continue being awesome?
Captian marvel is the new prime candidate/next in line to be the ‘Worf’ is she not? There we go. Afterall, if it’s good enough for Hulk
Captain Marvel was planned to be an A list character who, unfortunately, cannot remain one. I actually liked the movie, but the results speak for themselves.
We are gently sliding into a new era for movie comparisons. The Marvels is just an early pointer.
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