Jaguar Wright L3aks F00tage Of Rihanna At Fr3ak0ffs | Rihanna KNEW?!

Y’all, when we said that a lot of our favorite celebrities knew about Diddy’s fr3ak0ffs, we never thought that we’d see a day when Rihanna’s name would come up, but according to Jaguar Wright, Rihanna was allegedly right there all along, and she allegedly knew what was going on.

And get this: Jaguar claimed that not only are there are fr3aky tap3s of Rihanna and Jay Z at these fr3ak 0ffs, but Jay Z allegedly set Chris Brown up when he was about to reveal the fr3ak0ffs that he saw…including one that he walked in on at the home of a very popular Hollywood exec.

Girl, this is one crazy situation, because Jaguar is out here claiming that they were spreading h3rpes around like a party pack at the fr3ak0ffs. Y’all, she had a lot of crazy information to share, and she did NOT hold back.

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