Unique ?????day celebration: Will Smith jumps out of a helicopter on his 50th ?????day


After all, did you really celebrate turning fifty if you didn’t bungee jump over the Grand Canyon?

You know the strange ?????day proverbs, like Lordy, Lordy, Will Smith is forty and Nifty, Nifty, Will Smith turned fifty by jumping out of a freakin’ helicopter over the Grand Canyon. That last one is perhaps more specialised, but it’s still quite true. On Tuesday, Smith went full superhero and bungee jumped out of a helicopter in collaboration with YouTube Originals. Watch the entire thing: Smith’s family and friends were hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro, also known as Carlton. As Will Smith’s pal, picture the kind of inquiries you would receive: Hey dude, I saw you host America’s Funniest Videos now. Well done! Would you like to take me skydiving from a helicopter?

Naturally, “The Jump” featured inside helicopter shots and full split screens because, well, if you’re going to go big, you have to go all the way.

The entire idea originated from YouTubers Yes Theory, who inspire individuals to conquer their fears by travelling the globe. Smith consented to do it in exchange for increasing awareness of Global Citizen’s educational initiative.

There’s something really gloomy about chopped up Fresh Prince, so the most horrifying element isn’t the jump so much as the recoil. Will, happy ?????day. Like us commoners, think about taking a low-key Dave and Busters trip the next year—you’ve earned it.

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