We Have Found the Ideal Villain for the Final Thor Film!

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Despite the fact that his solo movies were often subpar or mediocre (save for Ragnarok), Thor Odinson is nevertheless one of the most popular MCU characters. With a large fanbase, the character is still getting a lot of love despite the fact that his current MCU status is unclear, which is very interesting.

Still, as a proper powerhouse and one of the MCU’s strongest characters, Thor is an important part of the lore, and it is understandable that everyone wants to see more of the character. Thor is going to get a fifth solo movie, which would make him the absolute record-holder in the MCU.

But, while we do know about the plans for a fifth movie, we don’t know anything about its plot or even the main villain, as the Hercules tease seems to be leading nowhere. Despite a general lack of information, we have found the perfect villain for a potential Thor movie.

Thor’s lore is full of interesting characters and villains, some of who are truly fascinating. Of course, some of them – like Hela and Gorr – have already appeared, and while some have been executed well, others have been wasted. Which is a shame, to be honest (yes, Gorr, we are talking about you!), but there’s nothing we can do about that anymore.

And yes, there are many interesting characters that could appear as villains in the fifth Thor movie, but we think we might have found the perfect one.

Okay, before we reveal the character, we have to talk about the elephant in the room – Hercules – who was foreshadowed as Thor’s potential enemy in a future movie.

And while we cannot rule out that Hercules will really be used later, based on the impact of that cameo, we don’t think it is actually going anywhere, i.e., we don’t think that Hercules will have a big impact even if he does return.

Instead, we propose – and please hear us out – that Thor’s new enemy be – Thor! Okay, not himself, but the mechanic cyborg clone of Thor known as Ragnarok (or, colloquially, as Cyber Thor).

The character appeared in the comics as a “replacement” for Thor during his absence, as a creation of Iron Man and several other prominent heroes, who used Thor’s DNA and technology to create the clone. The character features in several comic book storylines and was defeated/destroyed more than once but also resurrected.

In the state in which Thor’s story is now, Ragnarok would be a great way to expand the lore and give Thor a proper challenge that might not need to be changed since we’re dealing with a character who is, more or less, lore friendly (unlike Gorr, who had to be watered down for the movie).

What do you think – would you like to see Ragnarok as a villain? Let us know in the comments below!