James Gunn Officially Explains the Connection Between the DCEU and the DCU

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James Gunn Officially Explains the Connection Between the DCEU and the DCU

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The MCU is, despite a string of less successful and even failed outings, still a stable, coherent narrative universe that keeps going forward. Whether you like these films and the stories they are telling or not, whether you’re fatigued or not, there’s one thing you have to admit – the MCU’s coherence is admirable.

The same thing cannot be said about the DC Comics universe. decisions, the DCEU failed. As expected.

Warner Bros. then brought in James Gunn and Peter Safran to fix things, and the two of them are now working on building the DCU, which is supposed to be DC’s answer to the MCU.

Finally. But what about the relationship between the DCEU and the DCU? We know Gunn is starting from scratch, but there is a ‘but’…

James Gunn was a guest at this year’s New York Comic-Con, a massive manifestation, during which he talked with the media about numerous topics. He discussed the upcoming films and series, revealed some interesting details about some of them, and also answered some interesting questions.

One of the questions asked was about the relationship between the old DCEU and the new DCU, and this is what Gunn said:

This is not just a question that has been bugging fans for a while but also a very important question going forward. It is essential to settle things straight so that the fans know what their current canon is and what arguments they can use in their discussions, as well as what stories they can rely on.

Gunn’s answer makes it, from our perspective, pretty clear. The DCEU is not canon, but if you hear a DCEU moment being mentioned or referred to in the DCU, then that exact moment is canon, but that doesn’t make anything else canon.

This is currently relevant for Rick Flag Jr.’s story, as well as the potential Blue Beetle project, and potentially even Paradise Lost, but we are sure that there will be more such moments in the future, so when in doubt – just remember what Gunn himself said and you will be able to discern whether something from the DCEU is also canon in the DCU.

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