Man hit with $10,000 bill and threatened with arrest by Hertz after he used 'unlimited miles' deal to drive 25,000 miles in a month

The customer was left questioning how exactly he exceeded his ‘unlimited’ deal

A Hertz customer caught the moment he was hit with a $10,000 bill after taking advantage of a so-called ‘unlimited miles’ deal.

We’re all familiar with the notion of an ‘unlimited’ deal. It’s what allows us to stuff our faces at all-you-can-eat buffets, and how we spent hours on cell phone calls without fear of running out of minutes.

By definition – according to the Oxford Dictionary – ‘unlimited’ means ‘not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent’, so when one Hertz customer signed an ‘unlimited miles’ deal, they were under the impression they could drive their rental car as much as they wanted.

The customer believed he could drive as much as he wanted (Getty Stock Photo)

However, a now-viral video shows them learning this actually wasn’t the case.

In the video, shared by TikTok user Logan, the customer can be heard expressing shock after hearing he was going to be charged $10,000 for racking up 25,000 miles in a month.

“[The deal] literally says I won’t get charged anything,” the driver says. “I’ve never signed anything saying I could only go 100 miles a day, or anything like that, or that I would have to pay more.”

In response, the employee argues that the customer equally didn’t sign anything saying he would be allowed to drive 25,000 miles.

The driver attempts to point out that this figure would surely fit under the banner of ‘unlimited’, but the employee responds by trying to shut down the conversation and telling him to leave.

Things then escalate as he adds: “You need to leave or I will have you arrested. It’s your choice.”

The customer obliges and gets up to leave. Upon posting the video, Logan was met with a flood of support after sharing his experience on TikTok.

“Unlimited miles means unlimited,” one person wrote, as another added: “Unlimited is unlimited…. I would sit there until the cops show up and dare them to arrest me.”

Other viewers questioned exactly how the driver had managed to amass 25,000 miles in one month, noting that even if you drove for 10 hours straight each day at 70mph, it would take more than a month to cover that distance. However, the logistics of the miles clearly weren’t as much of an issue for the Hertz employee as the number itself.

In the wake of the incident, the company issued an apology and assured the customer would not be charged.

“Customer satisfaction is our top priority at Hertz, and we sincerely regret this customer’s experience at one of our franchise locations,” Hertz said in a statement to The Drive.

“Per the terms of the contract, the customer will not be billed for mileage. Our franchisee is addressing the employee’s conduct and reinforcing our customer service standards and policies to ensure they are understood and followed consistently across our locations.”