The Fans Have Ranked Their 10 Most Overpowered Superheroes

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The Fans Have Ranked Their 10 Most Overpowered Superheroes

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Ranker is a popular place on the Internet where people can rank whatever they want, however, they want, and whenever they want. This is always a fan-focused ranking system, and it is never officially tied to the people behind the projects in question.

Recently, a large survey was organized on Ranker, whose goal was to determine the most overpowered comic book superheroes. The list includes a bunch of characters, but in our report, we have decided to list the top ten characters from the site to provide you with better insight, combined with our original comments and opinions, which will add flavor to the whole report.

(Note, the powers and abilities are taken from Ranker and are incomplete; they’re just here for illustration purposes.)

Of course, since this is indeed an important list, we have decided to report on it, so we are going to bring you the results by listing the top 10 characters on this list, from 10th to first place. We hope you’ll enjoy it!

10. Sentry

Powers & Abilities:superhuman strength, flight, energy manipulation, molecular manipulation, void persona, immortality, and plenty more.

Sentry is a good character to actually start off this list. Perceiving characters as overpowered is sometimes a difficult thing to do because a character sometimes does merit the powers they have.

In Sentry’s case, we never really saw why he deserved the amount of power he had, as it always seemed to us as if he just fell down a pit and found the powers there, and that’s about that. But he is cool!

9. Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel

Powers & Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Flight, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, and plenty more.

Captain Marvel is not a character we’d really put on this list. She is overpowered, yes, but while she did get her powers by accident, more or less, she did work on improving them, and her overpowered status is more a result of work and experience than the circumstances under which she got her powers in the first place. She is overpowered, but she does not deserve to be on this list, really.

8. Shazam

Powers & Abilities: Flight, Magic, Telepathy, Superhuman speed, Superhuman Strength, Energy Manipulation, Wisdom, and plenty more.

Billy Batson got his powers because he fulfilled the criteria needed for… whatever that actually was. It is a fun story for younger audiences and a nice way to show how even children can be involved in superheroic deeds.

On the other hand, the kid got an enormous set of powers just for being good, and that is why we definitely agree that Shazam is one of the more overpowered superheroes in the comics.

7. Martian Manhunter

Powers & Abilities: Flight, Psychokinesis, Invisibility, Shapeshifting, Telepathy and plenty more.

In our opinion, this one isn’t really fair. Okay, sure, Martian Manhunter might have had a power or two less, but he is a Martian, and as such, he does not adhere to the same laws as humans, so in his case, having so many great powers is certainly understandable and sensible, which is why we cannot agree with this listing. Plus, he also has obvious weaknesses that level it out in a significant way.

6. Silver Surfer

Powers & Abilities: Power Cosmic, Energy Manipulation, Superhuman Strength, Invulnerability, Matter Manipulation, and plenty more.

Similarly to how Billy Batson became Shazam, the Silver Surfer also gets chosen based on one or two traits.

But, while he is best known as a herald, the Silver Surfer is actually an enormously powerful and skilled character, always, and there is not much in the story that really merits that, so yes, we can actually agree with this listing, as Silver Surfer does meet the criteria for being on this list.

5. Jean Grey

Powers & Abilities: Extrasensory perception, Flight, Psychokinesis, Telepathy, Eidetic memory, Molecular Manipulation, Phoenix Force (when bonded), and plenty more.

We love Jean Grey. She is a great character and her importance for the X-Men lore is undeniable, even though her story has been milked one too many times, but that is for another list.

She is powerful, overpowered, in fact, and while she is somewhat of a “Wunderkind” in the lore, we still think that she could have a power or two less, although we’d place her lower on this list, as she is definitely not that big of a problem in a comparative context.

4. Franklin Richards

Powers & Abilities: Nearly Omnipotent (was depowered completely)

The kid. Franklin Richards is one of the most powerful Marvel characters of all time. Why? Because he is.

While Franklin is a great character in more ways than one, as far as his powers and abilities are concerned, there is a disproportion there that cannot be ignored, which is why we completely agree with this listing, and we’d even put him higher on this list; definitely a top-three listing in our opinion.

3. One-Punch Man

Powers & Abilities: Superhuman speed, Superhuman strength

The issue with Saitama is not that he has so much power, but how he got so much power. He became the strongest person in the universe by simply training, which is an exaggeration in itself. But, there is one thing that justifies that – One-Punch Man is a gimmick manga, so it makes sense in the context of the series. But, we do agree that he is overpowered and that there should have been more manga characters on this list.

2. Superman

James Gunn Is Seemingly Ready to Do Something with Superman that Snyder Would Never Do

Powers & Abilities: Flight, Healing factor, Superhuman speed, Superhuman strength

Well, we’re torn here, but yeah, we’d ultimately agree that Superman does deserve to be on this list. Why? Well, on Krypton, he did not have all the powers he had and it has been explained more than once that he got the powers thanks to the environment he is in.

Sure, his obvious weakness levels it up a bit, but still, we would agree that Superman does deserve to be on this list.

1. Scarlet Witch

Powers & Abilities: Reality warping, Chaos Magic, Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, and many more.

Well, as a magic user, Scarlet Witch definitely is overpowered, but we wouldn’t really put her on top of this list, especially with numbers 2-4 being below her. If we’d put her on this list, she would be in the bottom five, as most of her backstory and powers have been properly explained and in that aspect, we think that this is definitely unfair towards her.

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