Deadpool & Wolverine: Deleted Scenes That Reveal Marvel’s Multiverse Plans

Particularly considering the Deadpool and Wolverine deleted scenes involved, Marvel enthusiasts have been buzzing since the digital release of Deadpool & Wolverine. These deleted scenes offer fresh background on the movie but the future MCU. They specifically address some of the biggest questions surrounding Deadpool’s entry into the MCU and the significance of the TVA for the upcoming Avengers: Apocalypse and Avengers: Secret Wars.

In this article, we’ll break down these deleted scenes, exploring why Deadpool was selected by the TVA from Universe 10005 to join the MCU’s sacred timeline in Universe 616, and what this means for the future of the multiverse.

Deadpool’s Selection by the TVA

One of the central mysteries in Deadpool & Wolverine revolves around Deadpool’s unexpected selection by the TVA. Why was he spared from the destruction of Universe 10005? And why was he chosen to join the MCU’s sacred timeline? These questions have lingered since the film’s release, but now, thanks to the deleted scenes, we have some clues.

In one key deleted scene, we see Mr. Paradox, a TVA agent who has gone rogue, request additional resources to complete his “Time Ripper” device, which he’s using to expedite the destruction of Universe 10005. Paradox is an interesting figure—he defies the TVA’s new non-interventionist policy, taking matters into his own hands to prune a universe marked for destruction. This scene offers crucial insight into the internal divisions within the TVA, as well as how Deadpool became caught in the middle of a multiversal power struggle.

paradox and hunter b15 are arguing in a scene

In this scene, Paradox is seen talking to B15, his superior within the TVA, and the conversation hints at a fundamental shift in the organization’s philosophy. B15’s advice to Paradox to “do nothing, sit in your chair, do nothing” is emblematic of the TVA’s passive stance under the leadership of Loki, now the God of Stories. This represents a stark change from how the TVA operated under He Who Remains, where they aggressively pruned timelines to maintain the sacred timeline. The fact that Paradox is resisting this new TVA approach speaks volumes about the internal tensions brewing within the organization.

The Role of Loki and the TVA

The deleted scenes also suggest that Loki, as the God of Stories, has imposed a non-interventionist policy on the TVA. This philosophy, as seen in B15’s dialogue, represents a drastic departure from the TVA’s previous role as a more active enforcer of multiversal order. In one of the scenes, B15 tells Paradox, “Your job is to do nothing,” implying that the TVA now observes and reports, rather than intervening directly.

This shift is crucial to understanding Marvel’s future multiverse plans. In the final episode of Loki, we see Loki seated at the center of the TVA’s operations, quietly observing the flow of time and letting the multiverse expand. The deleted scenes from Deadpool & Wolverine align with this vision, showing a TVA that has moved away from intervention, even as threats loom across the multiverse. The TVA’s non-interventionist stance raises questions about whether the MCU’s sacred timeline can defend itself against future incursions.

Interestingly, Paradox makes references to the “pencil pushers upstairs” who have ordered him to abandon his old ways of pruning universes. It’s implied that these pencil pushers include both B15 and, possibly, Loki himself. Paradox’s dissatisfaction with this hands-off approach shows that not everyone within the TVA is content with Loki’s new leadership style.

Why Did the TVA Choose Deadpool?

One of the most intriguing aspects of these deleted scenes is the mystery behind why the TVA extracted Deadpool from Universe 10005. According to Paradox, Deadpool has been chosen for a higher purpose—though even Paradox doesn’t fully understand what that purpose is. He hints that Deadpool may be crucial to saving the sacred timeline from a future catastrophe.

paradox is recruiting deadpool

This raises even more questions. Why Deadpool? How could he, of all characters, be integral to the survival of the multiverse? One possible theory is that Deadpool’s role will be pivotal in the upcoming multiversal conflicts, particularly in Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars. In fact, some fans speculate that Deadpool might sacrifice himself in a similar way to how Loki died in Thor: The Dark World, to relieve Loki of his burden as the God of Stories and allow other heroes to step up and save the day.

In one of the scenes, Paradox seems to know more about Deadpool’s future than he’s letting on. When Deadpool stumbles across a vision of a crying Thor, Paradox quickly diverts his attention, suggesting that Deadpool’s involvement in the upcoming events with the Avengers might be key to their survival. This moment not only hints at Deadpool’s possible interactions with the Avengers but also teases his importance in Secret Wars, where the multiverse will likely collide in dramatic fashion.

Marvel’s Multiverse at a Low Point

One of the recurring themes in Deadpool & Wolverine is the state of the MCU’s 616 Universe, which Deadpool himself describes as being at a low point. This is a clever piece of meta-commentary from Ryan Reynolds, reflecting on the recent phases of the MCU and the noticeable absence of major characters and teams. As Deadpool points out, the 616 Universe currently has no Tony Stark, no formal Avengers lineup, no Fantastic Four, and no X-Men. Norman Osborn even confirms in Spider-Man: No Way Home that there’s no Oscorp in this universe.

This speaks to the broader context of where the MCU currently stands. With so many key players either dead, missing, or yet to be introduced, the MCU is in a vulnerable state—both in-universe and from a storytelling perspective. This fragility leaves the MCU particularly susceptible to incursions, a theme that will undoubtedly be explored in Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars.

Marvel Studios seems to be acknowledging this vulnerability, using the TVA as a narrative device to explain why the MCU is missing so many of its iconic figures. The TVA, under He Who Remains, may have intentionally manipulated the timeline to suppress potential threats like Kangs, but in doing so, they also stripped the universe of key heroes who could have defended it against future incursions.

Paradox’s Rebellion and the Future of the TVA

In another deleted scene, Paradox openly rebels against the TVA’s new passive policies. He criticizes the TVA for not acting when universes like 10005 are doomed to destruction, lamenting the fact that the agency used to prune these doomed realities. His decision to build the Time Ripper device to expedite Universe 10005’s demise shows just how far he’s willing to go to defy the new TVA order.

paradox and cassandra nova

This rebellion may be indicative of larger fractures within the TVA, which could become more important as Marvel transitions to Avengers: Doomsday. Paradox’s dissatisfaction with the TVA’s current state hints at a future conflict between those who support Loki’s non-interventionist approach and those who, like Paradox, believe that more drastic action is needed to preserve the multiverse.

There’s even a moment where Paradox suggests that the TVA used to operate more zealously under He Who Remains, favoring the sacred timeline as the “true universe.” This notion of a zealously guarded timeline might be something that Marvel revisits as the stakes rise in the coming multiverse wars.

Paradox’s Connection to Dr. Doom

One tantalizing possibility raised by these deleted scenes is the connection between Paradox’s rogue actions and the introduction of Dr. Doom. If Marvel Studios does indeed cast Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. Doom, as some rumors suggest, it could set up an epic conflict between Loki and Doom in Secret Wars. Paradox’s view that the multiverse doesn’t need a “babysitter” like the TVA aligns with the philosophy of someone like Doom, who may be motivated to challenge the TVA’s control over reality.

Doom could emerge as a key player, seeking vengeance for his universe after it was either erased or damaged by the TVA’s manipulations. A showdown between Loki, the God of Stories, and Doom, who might seek to “avenge” his universe, could provide the MCU with one of its most compelling conflicts yet. With the TVA in a weakened state, thanks to Loki’s hands-off approach, figures like Dr. Doom could see this as an opportunity to seize control of the multiverse.

The deleted scenes from Deadpool & Wolverine offer a treasure trove of insights into Marvel’s multiverse plans, particularly as we look ahead to Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars. Deadpool’s role in the multiverse appears to be far more important than initially thought, and the TVA’s internal struggles are sure to have lasting consequences for the MCU.

As Marvel continues to explore the complexities of the multiverse, these deleted scenes provide a glimpse into the challenges and threats that lie ahead—not just for Deadpool, but for the entire MCU. Whether or not these scenes officially become canon, they offer valuable context for understanding where the MCU is headed and how its characters, from Loki to Dr. Doom, will shape its future.

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